Another Sound Of Silence - Edward

Sandra and Kofi met at the university. It didn't take long for them to fall in love because they shared many like interests. They got married after school in a grand ceremony. Everyone could see the love that they shared. They had a happy and beautiful life and a lovely daughter, Yaa. Yaa was thirteen. A very pretty girl. She was her father's damsel and her mother's pride and joy. Kofi was a busy businessman but always made time for his family.

This beautiful family was struck by disaster when Sandra's cousin Juliet moved in with them when her parents moved out of the country. She was a university student and a very attractive one. She also had a crush on Kofi, so having to move in with them was a joy for her when the need arose. She moved in and everything was going smoothly. As usual, she helped Sandra with house chores; which was a relief for her.

Fast forward she began making subtle advances at Kofi. Kofi didn't notice at the beginning, but it eventually became clear.  He was on the verge of falling prey, as he was tempted each day. One Saturday, when Sandra and Yaa went to the market, Juliet walked into Kofi and Sandra's bedroom half naked. Kofi was lying on his belly at the time, so he didn't know who walked in. One thing led to another and they ended up in bed together. Unfortunately, Sandra walked in on them after she returned from the market. She immediately walked out and went to the kitchen to unpack the groceries she had bought. Kofi and Juliet panicked and rushed out of bed.

Sandra never went to any of them after that. She just stayed in the kitchen, cooked dinner, and proceeded to call them to the table when the food was ready. Nobody spoke during dinner, and Kofi was uncomfortable as the silence etched into his ears. As for Juliet, the silence induced fear in her. She could already hear her mom and dad's voice scolding her in the silence. On the other hand, Sandra's silence was the only thing keeping her together. She found peace in her silence and had enough room to collect her thoughts.

"Silence is always interpreted and never misquoted"


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