The Old Man and Sunset - Edward

The old man sat on a bench as dusk settled over the horizon. His gaze was fixed on the sky that had taken on the warm beautiful orange colour the sun had cast. The dim sunshine fell on his silver hair, making it glow like the sky. His shadow had merged with the shadow of the tree he was sitting under; He could hear the birds on the tree chirping away as if they were reporting to each other their findings during the day.

The rustling of the leaves gave him a relaxing effect as he felt everything around him slowly
fading away as the sun continued to sink into the horizon. The sudden blow of the frosty night breeze sent a chill down his spine. He was clad in a coat that looked to have seen better days. He tugged on his coat and pressed it onto his skin as the breeze continued to pass.

The sun sank into the horizon and gave way for the night. He continued to sit in silence; not
twitching a brow even though all the light around him had disappeared. He seemed to
be deep in thought. Maybe he was thinking about the loved ones he lost or his long-lost joy that had faded into the past. Either way, it's impossible to know because he showed no emotion as he thought.


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